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Racing Home  >  Fairs (Frybg)  >  Race 2
updated Sat 10/5 17:32 PM
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Fryeburg - ME  •  10/5/24  •  Race 2  •  Post Time 1:17 PM
RACE 2 - Fryeburg - ME - October 5, 2024
Conditions: Maine Sire Stakes Three Year Old Colts and Geldings
Gait: Trot
Purse: 19,258
Class: ME SS 3YOC
Distance: 1 mile
Track Cond: FT
Temp-Allow: 66-0
Off Time: 1:17 PM

HN Horse PP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str FinishActualLQOdds Driver Trainer
3 Chipper Dale
 3, Shake It Off Lindy-
 Bibbidi Boo
 3 1/1H 1/1H 1/1H 1/2 1/5H2:03.3 29.3 NB  W. Drew Campbell Valerie Grondin
2 Carrabassett
 3, Boy Band-Willing Wind
 2 2/1H 2/1H 2/1H 2/2 2/5H2:04.3 30.2 NB  Mark Athearn Gretchen Athearn
1 Pembroke Will
 3, Pembroke Slugger-
 Pembroke Maiden
 X1X 3/DIS 3/DIS 3/DIS 3/DIS 3/34H2:10.2 NB  Heath Campbell Valerie Grondin
Time: 32.11:03.0 (30.4)1:34.0 (31.0)2:03.3 (29.3) 
1stChipper Dale  (3, G   Shake It Off Lindy - Bibbidi Boo - Noble Venture)
Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s):  Lynn-Marie Plouffe - ME
Breeder(s):  Lynn-Marie Plouffe - ME
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